Quotes are done in the same screen as sales orders, so look and feel exactly the same. Quotes can be amended, copied, deleted and converted into sales orders (all audited so you know who did what and when).
Quotes can be emailed with images and fully customised content and layout.
Customer's buying pattern is available to show everything that they have ever bought from you and selected to insert into any sales order. The last sell and cost price will be shown, but current prices will be used when dropping them into the new sales order (or quote).
A great right click option is to use buying pattern from a different customer.
Contract prices can be defined against a customer, group of customers or globally.
Types of contract:
Contract prices can be loaded in bulk, from a sales order or quote or set individually.
Any sales order or quotation can be added to the order stack. Once added to the stack the operator can get on with a new sales order or quotes. New and existing quotes and orders can be added to the stack and picked up at any time - with all the changes remembered. If a user tries to exit the system, they will be warned that they still have orders on their stack and must be checked before logging off.
Sales Reps are assigned to customer accounts, and a real-time "Month-to-Date" ticker displays on the users main screen so they can see straight away:
For those orders that need to go straight away a user who has the correct permissions can generate the dispatch note directly from the sales order. They can even invoice if required.
Order Entry/Enquiry screen allows all documents relating to that sales order to be emailed straight to the customer.